Behind the Earrings

Ten years ago this year, we had a fire in our home. The four of us were not home, but everything in our home needed to be discarded. With our children in their early teens, it was an especially emotionally and spiritually challenging nine months, but we moved back into our ‘renewed’ home the day before Christmas Eve 2009, grateful for our lives and our home, with minimal furniture and an undecorated tree in our living room.

Prior to the fire, on the living room wall, I had hung on a tapestry rack, the first tablecloth my mother’s mother had crocheted, and the first my father’s mother had cross-stitched. Both were fully damaged other than a 2-foot by 2-foot swatch of each that are now hung, in frames, in the same spot, with their photos next to each. 

I share this with you, along with these photos, because I understand two things more so as a result of this fire – the value of home, especially for our children; and the heartful gifts we give each other when made by hand.
This is what I have lived by, and continue to live by, even more as a result of our experience.

So with that said, twice a year, I make a commitment to donate something handcrafted to organizations, one that is an advocate for children and one that supports women challenged with cancer, as my mom is a survivor.

This year, I will be donating to:
CASA – Court Appointed Special Advocates for Children
Casting for Recovery
Wig Warriors the Maureen S. Konopko foundation